Explore the life of those in need.

Million Getachew is a 46 years old Male patient from Addis Ababa.He was found lying unconscious on the street by strangers who took him to a local health center which referred him to a Tikur Anbessa specialized Hospital. Million Getachew is a 46 years old Male patient from Addis Ababa.He Upon evaluation he was found to have a right sided body weakness and inability to speak which was attributable to hemorrhagic stroke. He was also found to have hypertension. He had one episode of abnormal body movement after being admitted to the hospital. Millon doesn't have permanent job but works as a carpenter. His monthly earning are minimal and doesn't have a saving. He doesn't have wife, children, siblings and father. His only family is his mother who lives on the streets near to churches where she begs for money to hold on to dear life. Here in Tikur Anbessa, medications were prescribed to control the blood pressure and seizure but he couldn't afford any of them. YeEteye charity has helped to buy his medications. He is very grateful for the help he has received.
Teka Tesfaye is a 29 years old farmer from Woliso. He lives with his father and mother who both are farmers as well.

He was referred to Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital after he presented with a right side neck swelling. The swelling first appeared when he was 18 years old and had slowly been increasing in size ever since.

At Tikur Anbessa, the swelling was surgically resected.

Following the surgery, he was prescribed antibiotics but was not able to afford it. YeEteye charity covered it for him.

Teka is grateful for the help he has received from our charity.
Tesfaye Abate is a 1 year old male patient from Wollo, Amhara region. He was referred to Tikur Anbessa specialised hospital from Menilk II referral hospital for a compliant of difficulty to pass stool since birth. For this compliant he had undergone 2 surgeries at Dessie referral hospital and Menilik II hospital to no avail.

Tesfaye's lives with his parents and 2 other siblings in the country side. His families are farmers who earn minimal income from the crops they sell. He was brought to the hospital by his mother. She used to spend 500 birr/day for his healthcare.

The mother couldn't afford to buy her son's medication and she asked for the assistance of YeEteye Charity to purchase the medications.

YeEteye Charity has helped to buy the required medications and now tesfaye has improved a lot and he is on the verge of being discharged.
The patient's name is Ethiopia Asnake, a 1 year and 4 months old female patient from Wollo, Amhara region. She came to Tikur Anbessa Specialised Hospital for a compliant of persistent high grade fever and vomiting.

In Tikur Anbessa Specialised hospital, she was diagnosed to have a pus collection in her brain.

Her mother used to work as a janitor in a private company and her father used to work as a policeman. However, both her parents are now expelled from work as a result of long period of absenteeism from thier work place.

The family had no source of income and hence, cannot cover for the medication thier child requires. They asked YeEteye Charity for help and the medications they required was provided to them.

Ethiopia has improved a lot in her clinical condition and is about to get discharged.
Adugna Wabi is a 45 years old daily laborer from Bulgaria sefer, Addis Ababa.

He arrived at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital's Emergency ward with a broken leg after he was hit with a huge rock during a fight.

He has been living on the streets for the past two years following the death of his father. His mother died when he was a child and has no other family to help him.

YeEteye charity helped him with buying materials that were required for his surgery. Adugna was very grateful for that
The patient's name is Petros Eshete. He is a 10 years old male patient from Selale, Oromia region. The patient came to Tikur Anbessa Specialised Hospital for Surgery.

He underwent surgery for a congential urethral abnormality 8 months ago. The surgery failed to correct the abnormality and he was readmitted for another surgery.

Petros is a grade four student. His condition has affected his school attendance and performance. It has also adversely affected him psychologically.

He lives with his mother, father and 4 brothers. His mother and father work as a daily laborers and his oldest brother works as a bartender. His other siblings are dependent on the family and the family is struggling financially.

The family can't afford to buy the medications he needs. They asked for the assistance of YeEteye Charity.

YeEteye Charity has helped them buy the medications they needed. The family is very grateful for the help they received
The patient's name is Melish Teshome, a 25 years old female patient from Addis Ababa. The patient was brought to Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital after she was found unconscious on the side of the road by a passer-by.

Upon work up, she was found to have a right lower sided abdominal pain and was diagnosed with appendicitis. Appendectomy was done immediately and the patient's life was salvaged.

After the operation, she needed to buy certain antibiotics which she can't afford. She asked YeEteye Charity for help and she was provided with the medications she needed. She is very grateful for the help she acquired.
Dasso Edessa is a 40 years old female patient from the rural area of Ambo. She is diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer. She came to Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital with her husband who is a farmer. They have 7 children who are all dependent on them.

She was admitted to the adult emergency ward for obstructive uropathy. YeEteye charity helped her with buying nephrostomy tube because they were not able to afford it. Both Dasso and her husband were very grateful for that.